Elizabeth Keren-Kolb
Room 1302
610 E. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259
Liz is passionate about advancing equitable learning opportunities through digital technologies by bringing research in educational technologies to P-12 practice. Liz is a clinical professor of education technologies and teacher education at The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. She is the lead faculty in education technology and teaches courses in education technology for the undergraduate elementary, undergraduate secondary, and Masters and Certification programs. She authored five books Toys to Tools: Connecting Student Cell Phones to Education, Cell Phones in the Classroom: A Practical Guide for the K-12 Educator, Help Your Child Learn With Their Cell Phone and Web 2.0, Learning First, Technology Second, and Learning First, Technology Second: In Practice. In addition, Liz has published numerous articles and book chapters on topics related to educational technology in prominent publications such as Education Leadership, School Administrator Magazine, Scholastic, Edutopia, ISTE's Edtekhub, ASCD, and School Library Connection . Liz has done consulting work and has been a featured and keynote speaker at conferences all over the United States and Canada. Liz has won awards for her teaching and her work on the Triple E framework, including UM Golden Apple Teaching Awards, ISTE’s Making IT Happen Award and Bronze Award for ICT Support and Services, at the Reimagine Education Awards.
She has been on numerous state and national boards including MACUL, COSN, and AACTE. Liz has served as the board president of MACUL, the board vice president of Ozone House, co-chair of an auxiliary committee for the U.S. Office of Education Technology on sustainable professional development in teacher education. and the co-chair of AACTE’s Innovation and Technology Committee. Liz is also the creator and coordinator of the Triple E Framework, which is an open-source framework for K-12 teachers and administrators to use to assess the effectiveness of technology in lesson plans. Liz was the creator of the 4T Virtual Conference, one of the first free synchronous online conferences for K-12 educators, serving over 3,000 educators for over 6 years. Liz is currently running an online certificate program at UM for K-12 administrators, tech coaches and teachers who want to advance their knowledge in education technologies. Recently Liz has co-created the Digital Wellness Symposium for Parents and Youth, to focus on important issues related to middle school students digital mental health.
Liz’s current research interests focus on how prepared new teachers are to use technology in their P-12 classrooms, the Triple E Framework, issues of tech equity, and middle school youth digital wellness and mental health. Liz is a former social studies and computer technology teacher. In addition she spent 4 years as a technology coordinator and integration specialist in Ohio.
Number | Course Name | Location | Days | |
EDUC 490 | Topics in Professional Education
Topics concerning professional issues and methods in education. Topics change each term. Credit Hours: Undergraduates 0.5-6; Graduates 0.5-6 |
Selected Publications
Kolb, L. (2017). ISTE. Eugene, Oregon. February 2017.
"Research Provides Clarity: Co-Engagement is Key to Success with Screens"
Kolb, L. (2017). Friday Institute. Retrieved, http://pllc.fi.ncsu.edu/2017/05/02/research-provides-clarity-co-engagement-is-key-to-success-with-screens/
"Learning First, Technology Second: How We Should Know if Technology is Doing it’s Job in Our Classroom."
Kolb, L. (2017). MACUL Community Online Journal. Retrieved, http://maculcommunity.org/learning-first-technology-second-know-technology-job-classrooms/
"Harnessing Cell Phone Addiction."
Kolb, L. (2017). School Administrator. April 2017. 21-23.
4 Tips for Choosing the Right EdTech Tool.
EdTekHub (ISTE). Kolb, L. (2016). Retrieved: https://www.iste.org/explore/articleDetail?articleid=870&category=Toolbox
Kolb, L. (2016). MACUL Journal. Fall 2016.
Kolb, L. (2016). Edutopia. Retrieved: https://www.edutopia.org/blog/co-use-technology-magic-mix-liz-kolb