On the Horizon: A Preview of Upcoming dije Activities
We look forward to beginning the 2017-18 school year a with a few new activities to invite greater Marsal School-wide dialogue, awareness, and feedback on dije matters and help students with dije-related curriculum planning.
We will also maintain a structured, immersive opportunity for students to help plan and implement dije programs and policies.
- First, we will launch regular dije Community Conversations open to all SOE community members that serve as an information sharing and dialogue session about SOE dije We hope to also feature an artistic performance by a student, faculty or staff member (inspired by the success and value of our BET’s annual Outspoken event).
- The SOE calendar, which is posted on the SOE website, will also highlight dije-related events, including those that faculty, staff, and students submit.
- Graduate students will be invited to help develop a peer advising guide for dije-related cognate course selection. Meetings will be held with undergraduate students to make plans to offer them helpful curriculum and instruction assistance too.
- The next SOE Educational Justice interns will be appointed for the fall 2017 and winter 2018 semesters, and they will be able to receive course credit for their service.
- Much, much, more!
(See the SOE dije web page at http://www.soe.umich.edu/diversity for a sample of SOE Diversity, Inclusion, Justice, & Equity (dije) Activities: 2016-17.)
MORE FROM Expansions Vol 1
The Marsal Family School of Education is proud to be a leader in the campus-wide initiative promoting Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity. Adding "Justice" to these values underscores the role of educators in the creation of just societies. Through research, public scholarship, community building, and the preparation of education practitioners and policymakers, we articulate and advance our dije agenda.