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Showing 211 - 225 of 263 Results
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Code Number Hours Name of the Course
EDUC 768 3 Economics of Education

This course is an introduction to the economics of education. The central aim of the course is to assist students in viewing the education “industry” and its educational processes through the perspective of economics. Several tools of economic analysis are used to address the links between education and economic growth, consumption, investment, employment, and equity. Students are afforded an opportunity to examine an important issue related to the economics of education, which helps them to become more knowledgeable about the economics of education literature and learn how to apply the tools of economic analysis to an important policy issue.

EDUC 769 3 Philanthropy and Higher Education

This course provides a historical, philosophical, and organizational overview of the practices of philanthropy as it relates to college and universities. Examines the implications for research and practice in higher education that are associated with its cultivation of philanthropy, institutional advancement and fundraising activities.

EDUC 770 1-3 Independent Study in Higher and Postsecondary Education

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
Comprises supervised reading, research, or other inquiry regarding higher and continuing education.

May be elected more than once.

EDUC 771 1-3 Topics in Higher and Postsecondary Education

Explores new topic areas, which may vary each time the seminar is offered, according to mutual interest of a limited number of students with one or more faculty members. Often the seminar is generated by a group of interested students and the resulting material is incorporated into existing courses or leads to development of new courses.

May be elected more than once.

EDUC 772 3 Policy and Contexts of Teacher Education

Examines contexts in which preservice teacher education takes place and the rationale for employing those contexts. Explores historical and contemporary debates about the appropriateness of these contexts, examines current research and positions regarding them, and investigates new directions and alternatives. Topics may include the place and nature of university- and school-based teacher education sites; formal and informal learning environments; social, political, and community contexts; and field experiences.

EDUC 774 3 The Practice of Teacher Education

Explores instructional/pedagogical approaches to the preparation of prospective teachers. Presents scholarship and research for critical examination and analysis of methods of educating prospective teachers. Topics may include instructional processes, organizational structures, delivery systems for curriculum, and inquiry and reflection strategies.

EDUC 775 3 Research on Teacher Education

Examines policy, scholarship, and research relevant to the professional development of teachers. Considers the relationship between the means employed and the ends achieved in the preparation of teachers. Topics may include teacher beliefs, teacher socialization, the relationship between psychological development and professional development, and the influence of cultural identity on teacher preparation in a multicultural society.

EDUC 776 3 The Practice of Teaching

Examines and investigates issues related to teacher education as a field of inquiry. Explores how current research agendas might be enhanced and new research agendas created. Topics may include themes and issues in teacher education research; research on teacher education programs, curricula, faculty, and students; and research on student knowledge and beliefs.

EDUC 777 3-6 Administrative Practicum in Higher and Continuing Education

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
A seminar dedicated to linking theoretical issues in practice to problems confronted by students in their field settings. Emphasis will be placed on developing critical assessments of current literature, evaluation of practice performance, and the formulation of reflective modes of thought. Students must be placed in a supervised field setting.

EDUC 778 3 Advanced Administrative Practicum in Higher and Continuing Education

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
Intended primarily for CSHPE Ed.D. students, who are required to have a career-related professional practicum. Building on relevant literature in higher education and other fields, students are expected to analyze the successes and failure that they observed in practice and make recommendations for improvement.

EDUC 779 3 International Higher Education (formerly EDUC 870)

Investigates problems facing postsecondary education and other educational efforts internationally, using comparative methods and other pertinent techniques; different topics, such as adult literacy, cross-cultural transfers, and ways of reaching diverse populations, may be treated each time the course is offered.

EDUC 780 3 Research on Teaching

History of research on teaching; process-product research, studies of instructional decision making and teacher thinking and approaches to the study of instructional practice and the factors that influence it; research on effects, tools and measures of instruction.

EDUC 781 3 The Study of Mathematics Instruction

The study of teaching and learning mathematics in classrooms. Historical and comparative analyses of practice, approaches to the study of instruction; and theoretical and scholarly perspectives on instruction; how these perspectives influence conceptions of and approaches to teacher development.

EDUC 782 3 The Study of Mathematical Thinking and Learning

Research on children’s and adult’s understanding and reasoning in mathematics; alternative perspectives on how children and adults learn mathematics; traditions of theory and research on mathematical thinking and performance, including cognitive, constructivist, sociocultural and situated perspectives; historical development of research on mathematics thinking and learning.

EDUC 785 3 Academic Affairs in Higher Education

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Introduces students to concepts and theories that underlie scholarship and frame practice in academic and student affairs. Special attention is given to teaching-learning environments and the factors that shape them, such as societal pressures, organizational cultures and structure and characteristics of the individuals who participate.