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Course Catalog

Code Number Hours Name of the Course
EDUC 767 3 Research Practicum in Higher and Continuing Education
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.   Before they are admitted to candidacy and undertake dissertation research, CSHPE doctoral students must demonstrate their ability to design and conduct research, which is especially important for those with limited prior research experience. This involves participation in a scholarly activity that culminates in a published research article or a refereed research paper that is presented at a professional conference. The project may be an independent study conducted with faculty supervision or part of a faculty member’s ongoing research for which the student assumes primary responsibility. In the case of articles or presentations prepared jointly with faculty or other students, the student’s role is expected to be that of a lead author or equal co-author. The Practicum provides both an opportunity to directly experience the research process prior to the dissertation and to gain entrance to professional networks that are important for career development. Students may submit single- or lead-authored higher education-related research they completed prior to enrollment in the doctoral program for faculty review; this should be submitted to the student’s advisor. A waiver of the Practicum requirement may be granted based on this review.   Students should discuss this requirement with their faculty advisor at an early point in doctoral study (no later than the beginning of the second year of full-time study) in order to complete the Practicum prior to (or shortly after) the Comprehensive Qualifying Examination. Students should register for EDUC 767 (3 credit hours) while working on their research project. Upon completion, they should submit a completed Research Practicum Form along with a final copy of the product of the research (typically a conference paper or an article submitted or accepted for publication) to the faculty member serving as his or her advisor for EDUC 767.