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Class Schedule

Class schedules are updated daily. Additional information about these classes is available in Wolverine Access.

Class Sort descending Title Instructor
Fall 2025 Class Schedule
EDUC 100-001
Learning Within and Across Settings TBD
EDUC 100-002
Learning Within and Across Settings TBD
EDUC 101-001
Lower Division Forum 1 Barry Fishman, Leslie Herrenkohl
EDUC 101-002
Lower Division Forum 1 Leslie Herrenkohl
EDUC 103-001
Lower Division Forum 3 Barry Fishman
EDUC 103-002
Lower Division Forum 3 Leslie Herrenkohl
EDUC 118-001
Intr Ed:Sch Mcul Soc Jamaal Matthews
EDUC 119-001
Education Policy in a Multicultural Society Erika Davis
EDUC 130-001
The City as Identity TBD
EDUC 130-002
The City as Identity TBD
EDUC 140-001
LEAPS Writing Workshop Victoria Shaw
EDUC 140-002
LEAPS Writing Workshop Victoria Shaw
EDUC 200-001
Learn for Social Chg Thomas Drake
EDUC 203-001
Inquiry, Partnership, and Research Barry Fishman
EDUC 211-001
Intro Ed Policy, Inquiry and Advocacy Bob Bain
EDUC 212-001
Hist College Athlet Gregory Dooley
EDUC 213-001
Equity and Empowerment Brian Lampman
EDUC 240-001
Coaching as Leading Gregory Dooley
EDUC 275-001
Wellness Learning, Teaching Jay Marks
EDUC 307-001
Practicum TBD
EDUC 307-002
Practicum TBD
EDUC 307-004
Practicum TBD
EDUC 307-005
Practicum TBD
EDUC 307-006
Practicum TBD
EDUC 307-007
Practicum Vanessa Louis
EDUC 307-010
Practicum TBD
EDUC 307-019
Practicum Laurie Hochrein
EDUC 307-021
Practicum TBD
EDUC 307-022
Practicum TBD, Ebony Thomas
EDUC 307-023
Practicum TBD
EDUC 307-024
Practicum TBD
EDUC 307-026
Practicum TBD
EDUC 307-027
Practicum TBD
EDUC 310
Independent Study
EDUC 313-001
Detroit Stories Ebony Elizabeth Thomas
EDUC 317
Observ-Particip Ed
EDUC 320
Honors Ind Study
EDUC 330-001
ED Empwrmt Internshp Kendra Hearn
EDUC 333-001
Video Games&Learning TBD, none
EDUC 335-001
Education and Equity in Name, Image and Likeness in College Athletics Greg Dooley
EDUC 343-001
Race Frameworks in Education Erika Davis
EDUC 360-001
Partners in Learning Ha Bui, Matt Diemer
EDUC 391-001
Educational Psychology and Human Development TBD
EDUC 392-001
Educ Multicult Soc Vanessa Louis
EDUC 401-001
Lit 1 DevFound Skill TBD
EDUC 402-001
Rdg Wrtg Content TBD
EDUC 402-002
Rdg Wrtg Content TBD
EDUC 402-003
Rdg Wrtg Content Darin Stockdill
EDUC 402-004
Rdg Wrtg Content TBD
EDUC 402-005
Rdg Wrtg Content TBD
EDUC 402-006
Rdg Wrtg Content TBD
EDUC 403-001
Lit 2 Dev Comp Mot TBD
EDUC 405-001
Lit 3 Dev Lang Comp TBD
EDUC 405-002
Lit 3 Dev Lang Comp TBD
EDUC 411-001
Teach PK6 Math Deborah Ball
EDUC 412-001
Math Instr Mid Sch Mark Hoover
EDUC 413-001
Teach Sec Sch Math Nicole Garcia
EDUC 415-001
Children Sensemakers Deborah Ball
EDUC 417-001
Imagination and the Whole Child TBD
EDUC 417-002
Imagination and the Whole Child TBD
EDUC 419-001
Methods Wld Lang Ad End TBD
EDUC 420-001
Tchg Wld Lang Sec Sc TBD
EDCURINS 421-001
Teaching Shonda Tohm
EDUC 421-001
Teach PK-6 Sci Betsy Davis
EDUC 422-001
Tch Science Sec Sch Vanessa Louis
EDUC 423-001
Methods Sci Ad End TBD
EDUC 430-001
Teachg to Transgress Maren Oberman
EDCURINS 431-001
Teaching Methods Hartmut Rastalsky
EDUC 431-001
Teach PK-6 Soc St Maren Oberman
EDUC 431-002
Teach PK-6 Soc St Melissa Stull
EDUC 432-001
Tch Sec Soc Studies Bob Bain
EDUC 433-001
Methods SocSt Ad End TBD
EDUC 440-001
Teaching of English TBD
EDUC 443-001
Exceptionalities TBD
EDUC 444-002
Tchg with Tech TBD
EDUC 444-003
Tchg with Tech TBD
EDUC 446-001
Tchg with Tech 6-12 Elizabeth Keren-Kolb
EDUC 469-001
Development and Advancement in Higher Education (DSIP) Lisa Lattuca
EDUC 470
Ind Study in HE&PSE
EDUC 480-001
ED Empwrmt Capstone Kendra Hearn
EDUC 490-003
Topics Professnl Ed Rona Carter
EDUC 504-001
Teach with Tech TBD
EDUC 513-001
Detroit Stories Ebony Elizabeth Thomas
EDUC 518-001
Teach PK 6 Math Tim Boerst
EDUC 528-001
Teach PK 6 Sci TBD
EDUC 540-001
Trauma Basics
EDUC 541-001
Trauma-Informed Practice Nhu Do, none
EDUC 542-001
Trauma Systems Laura Gultekin
EDUC 543-001
Race Frameworks in Education Erika Davis
EDUC 546-001
Design of Learning Environments Rebecca Quintana, Chris Quintana
EDUC 547-002
Current Iss Ed Studies Ha Bui, Matt Diemer
EDUC 547-005
Current Iss Ed Studies Kendra Hearn
EDUC 561-001
Intro Higher Ed Demetri Morgan
EDUC 563-001
The Community College Jillian Gross Fortgang, none
EDUC 570-001
Prof Dev Sem in Educ Thomas Drake
EDUC 570-002
Prof Dev Sem in Educ Vicki Bigelow
EDUC 570-003
Prof Dev Sem in Educ Vanessa Louis
EDUC 570-004
Prof Dev Sem in Educ Maria Coolican, none
EDUC 571-001
Prof Sem in Tch Edu Maria Coolican, Maria Coolican
EDUC 571-002
Prof Sem in Tch Edu Maria Coolican, Maria Coolican
EDUC 572-001
ELP Capstone TBD
EDUC 575-001
Intro to Lead Dev Maren Oberman, none
EDUC 591-001
How People Learn Rebecca Quintana
EDUC 591-002
How People Learn Erin Flynn
EDUC 593-002
Lang Development TBD
EDUC 597-001
History at Scales Robert Bain
EDUC 601-001
Transformative Learning and Teaching with Technology Rebecca Quintana
EDUC 602-001
Vidgms Lrng Sch Dsgn Chris Quintana
EDUC 608-001
Networks, Policy, and Organizations Kara Finnigan
EDUC 616-001
Learn Exp Design Rebecca Quintana, Chris Quintana
EDUC 622-001
Higher Ed Proseminar Lisa Lattuca
EDUC 630-001
Pursuing DIJE TBD
EDUC 638-001
Intrn&Dir Field Exp Vicki Bigelow
EDUC 638-002
Intrn&Dir Field Exp Kendra Hearn
EDUC 638-003
Intrn&Dir Field Exp Maren Oberman
EDUC 638-004
Intrn&Dir Field Exp Thomas Drake
EDUC 640
Ind Study Ed Stdy
EDUC 645-001
Educ&Cult Studies TBD
EDUC 646-001
Ed Policy Analysis Camille Wilson
EDUC 649-001
Found Persp Ed Rfrm Keturah Abdullah, Alaina Jackson
EDUC 649-002
Found Persp Ed Rfrm Mark Hoover
EDUC 650-001
Refl Teach Fld Exp TBD
EDUC 650-002
Refl Teach Fld Exp TBD
EDUC 650-006
Refl Teach Fld Exp TBD
EDUC 650-007
Refl Teach Fld Exp TBD
EDUC 650-008
Refl Teach Fld Exp Janelle Lie
EDUC 650-009
Refl Teach Fld Exp Laurie Hochrein
EDUC 650-010
Refl Teach Fld Exp TBD
EDUC 650-011
Refl Teach Fld Exp TBD
EDUC 650-012
Refl Teach Fld Exp TBD
EDUC 650-014
Refl Teach Fld Exp TBD
EDUC 650-015
Refl Teach Fld Exp TBD
EDUC 655
Dir Resear Ed Study By Permission
EDUC 659-001
MA Res Pract in HE
EDUC 660
CPEP Independent Study
EDUC 662-001
Lrng&Dev Higher Ed Rosemary Perez
EDUC 672-001
Power, Privilege, and the Politics of Difference in Higher Education Charles Davis
EDUC 695-001
Res Educ Practice Tom Drake
EDUC 695-002
Res Educ Practice Vilma Mesa
EDUC 695-003
Res Educ Practice Katie Shoemaker
EDUC 695-004
Res Educ Practice Chris Torres
EDUC 707-001
Psychometrics Theory Jennifer Randall
EDUC 708-001
Cogn&Instr Classrm Kevin Miller
EDUC 709-001
Motiv in the Classrm Allison Ryan
EDUC 712-001
Causal Infer Ed K-12 Brian Jacob
EDUC 716-001
Ed Psych Adv Prosem Kevin Cokley
EDUC 731-001
Reviewing Research II: Writers' Workshop Pamela Moss
EDUC 735-001
Case Study Research Pamela Moss
EDUC 763-001
Fin Mgt&Strat P S E Jeremy Wright-Kim
EDUC 767
Res Pract in HE
EDUC 770
Ind St High&Cont Ed
EDUC 771-001
Topics Higher Education Jesse Beal
EDUC 771-002
Topics Higher Education Brian McCall
EDUC 775-001
Research on Teacher Education Matt Ronfeldt
EDUC 785-001
Academic Affairs in Higher Education Michael Brown
EDUC 789
Rsrch Apprenticeship
EDUC 790-001
Found of Schlng Erika Davis
EDUC 792-001
Meth Ed Res: Qual Michelle Bellino
EDUC 792-002
Meth Ed Res: Qual Michelle Bellino
EDUC 793-001
Intr Quant Meth Res Jennifer Randall
EDUC 793-002
Intr Quant Meth Res Jennifer Randall, none
EDUC 793-003
Intr Quant Meth Res Walt Ecton, none
EDUC 793-004
Intr Quant Meth Res Walt Ecton, none
EDUC 798
Tchg Apprenticeship
EDBEHAVR 800-001
Sem Ed Psych Allison Ryan
EDUC 835
Independent Study
EDUC 873-001
Race,Eth&Gend Hi Ed Carson Byrd
EDUC 889
Qualifying Paper A
EDUC 897-001
Race SJ Institute
EDUC 898-001
Professional Dev Sem Jon Wargo
EDUC 898-002
Professional Dev Sem Kara Finnigan
EDUC 898-003
Professional Dev Sem Betsy Davis
EDUC 899
Qualifying Paper B
EDUC 990
EDUC 991
Scholarly Paper
EDUC 992
EDUC 995