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Class Schedule

Class schedules are updated daily. Additional information about these classes is available in Wolverine Access.

Class Sort descending Title Instructor
Spring 2025 Class Schedule
EDUC 310
Independent Study
EDUC 317
Observ-Particip Ed
EDUC 320
Honors Ind Study
EDUC 330-101
ED Empwrmt Internshp Kendra Hearn
EDUC 416-101
Teach Curr Material Tim Boerst
EDUC 443-101
Exceptionalities Kathleen Fortini
EDUC 444-101
Tchg with Tech Elizabeth Keren-Kolb
EDUC 519-101
Connecting Mathematical Practice and Topics PK6 Tim Boerst
EDUC 571-101
Prof Sem in Tch Edu Jeff Stanzler, Maria Coolican
EDUC 571-102
Prof Sem in Tch Edu Jeff Stanzler, Maria Coolican
EDUC 590-101
Applying ELD Theory to Practice Evelyn Daugherty
EDUC 592-101
Teach Lang Literacy Melissa Stull
EDUC 592-102
Teach Lang Literacy Susan Atkins
EDUC 594-102
Ed Multiling Soc Debi Khasnabis
EDUC 595-101
Advocacy Diverse Ss Diane Aretz
EDUC 595-102
Advocacy Diverse Ss Susan Atkins
EDUC 640
Ind Study Ed Stdy
EDUC 652-101
Directed Tchg Sec Beth Vonck
EDUC 652-102
Directed Tchg Sec Laurie Hochrein
EDUC 652-103
Directed Tchg Sec Vanessa Louis
EDUC 652-104
Directed Tchg Sec Rod Franchi
EDUC 652-108
Directed Tchg Sec Diane Aretz
EDUC 654-101
Prob-Prin Sec Ed Beth Vonck
EDUC 654-102
Prob-Prin Sec Ed Laurie Hochrein
EDUC 654-103
Prob-Prin Sec Ed Vanessa Louis
EDUC 654-104
Prob-Prin Sec Ed Rod Franchi
EDUC 654-108
Prob-Prin Sec Ed Diane Aretz
EDUC 659
MA Res Pract in HE
EDUC 770
Ind St High&Cont Ed
EDUC 771-101
Topics Higher&Continued Ed Charles Davis
EDUC 990
EDUC 991
Scholarly Paper
EDUC 992
EDUC 995