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Showing 369 - 376 of 563 Results
December 04, 2020
Maya Gompper was featured by U-M Athletics in a Scholar-Athlete Story.
December 04, 2020
The learning center supporting undocumented families that was established by graduate student Paula Manrique Pfeffer was featured on NPR’s All Things Considered.
December 01, 2020
As educators in the city of Detroit, Lexis Zeidan (MA ’17) and Dayna Peoples recognize the role of young people in the fight for racial justice.
November 20, 2020
Teachers, administrators, and faculty members in the Mitchell-Scarlett Partnership drew on 11 years of collaboration to invent new ways to support children and teaching interns online.
November 07, 2020
The award recognizes and celebrates educators who value the importance of arts education and create a culture for the arts to flourish in their school communities.
November 06, 2020
The edX Prize celebrates the contributions and innovations of teachers in the edX community, and amplifies the powerful role that online education at scale plays in the transformation of education today.
November 06, 2020
The Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education featured associate dean Shari Saunders’s interprofessional Trauma-Informed Practice course that has been updated to deliberately adopt an anti-racist lens.
November 01, 2020
Camille Wilson co-leads a joint effort with the support of a research-practice partnership grant from the Spencer Foundation