Showing 9 - 15 of 15 Results
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April 11, 2019
In The Chronicle of Higher Education, Dr. Awilda Rodriguez explains why people are fixated on elite colleges when it is also possible to get a good education at other institutions.
April 01, 2019
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has announced that Dr. Patricio Herbst will be the next editor in chief of the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME).
April 01, 2019
The S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation awarded TeachingWorks with a grant to continue a fellowship program begun in 2017 with faculty in California. They will continue developing exemplary practices-based approaches in teacher education.
March 31, 2019
Matthew Ronfeldt and Shanyce L. Campbell received the 2019 Palmer O. Johnson Memorial Award.
March 25, 2019
A Kamaria Porter, CSHPE doctoral candidate, is among ten graduate students to receive Rackham Community of Scholars summer fellowships awarded by The Institute for Research on Women and Gender.
March 20, 2019
In a HuffPost article, Professor Susan Dynarski explains the point of affirmative action in light of recent scandals at elite colleges.
March 11, 2019
In a Q&A format article, Nell Duke provides The 74 with advice for schools interested in project-based learning and discusses her research that shows how project-based learning can lead to academic gains for young children in high-poverty schools.