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Demetri Morgan speaks with Scholars Strategy Network about bridging research and policy

March 15, 2025

Participation in the SSN Education Scholars Training Program offered a new lens to see his academic work through. 


Recently, Associate Professor Demetri Moran spoke with Scholars Strategy Network (SSN) about his participation in the organization’s Education Scholars Training Program. The experience sharpened his ability to bridge research and policy, and culminated in meetings with members of congress to provide suggestions on proposed legislation. Morgan, who has long studied the governance of higher education institutions, said this background helped him engage with a bill aimed at improving federal collaboration with nonprofits.

“At first, I wasn’t sure how [the bill] connected to my work, but since most colleges and universities are nonprofits, I realized it had implications for higher ed governance,” said Morgan. “The bill sought to enhance how the federal government works with nonprofits—like those providing disaster relief—by improving data collection and collaboration.”

Since the culmination of the SSN Education Scholars Training Program, Morgan has continued to engage in policy conversations. He now tells other scholars, “Your expertise may be more relevant than you think. In academia, breadth can be critiqued, but in policy, it’s an asset. Be open to seeing your work through a wider lens.”


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Associate Professor, Marsal Family School of Education