Utmost 3.0: Undergraduate Teaching and Learning in Mathematics With Open Software and Textbooks

Dr. Vilma Mesa has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation titled, “UTMOST 3.0: Undergraduate teaching and learning in mathematics with open software and textbooks.” Dr. Mesa will work with colleagues to understand two inter-related questions: How do instructors and students use textbooks? How can textbooks better support teaching and learning? The focus is on open source and open access textbooks that embed computational capabilities with Sage. A particular challenge that is addressed is the need to promote student learning and use of mathematical and computational skills in STEM curricula. The grant continues the work started in UTMOST 2.0 by investigating three undergraduate mathematics dynamic textbooks: Active Calculus, First Course in Linear Algebra, and Abstract Algebra Theory and Applications. The project collects standard records (interviews, observations, surveys) and also data analytics of textbook use.