(In)Human Histories: Exploring How Educational Policy Shapes the Teaching of LGBTQ-Inclusive Elementary Social Studies
Conceptualized as an anthropological study of educational policy, this project explores how elementary teachers in the first year of policy enactment understand, interpret, and teach lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) inclusive social studies.

Designed as a vertical case study, it seeks to examine the material and ideological affordances and constraints teachers identify as obstacles and supports for teaching LGBTQ-inclusive social studies as well as detail, across scale (e.g., school-level, district, state) how the LGBTQ subject is discursively produced as (in)human. Building on scholarship that considers how educational policy is interpreted, implemented, and mediated, this study will reveal the promises and precarity embedded in the work teachers do in understanding, interpreting, and teaching LGBTQ-inclusive social studies while simultaneously nuancing how this is always and already subject to complex relations of culture and power.