Enhancing the Applicability of an Evidence-based Intervention to Reduce Social Anxiety and Improve Educational Outcomes for Black American Students in Urban Public High Schools
Dr. Jamaal Matthews will continue his work with Dr. Carrie Masia (Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc.) to adapt a school-based, group cognitive-behavioral intervention for students with social anxiety for use with Black adolescents.

Dr. Matthews will be involved in implementation and interpretation of focus groups and qualitative interviews, revision of the intervention, assessment and analysis of racial variables and interpretation of school outcomes. He will also serve on the Community Development Team (CDT), which consists of study investigators (Drs. Masia and Matthews), Director of Special Services of East Orange School District (Dr. Watson), Director of the Professional Development Schools Network (Nancy Norris-Bauer), and approximately eight other individuals from participating schools, including principals, caregivers, school counselors, and teachers. The CDT will identify key issues for students with anxiety in these communities and what intervention strategies are consistent with their priorities, norms, and values. The CDT will provide guidance regarding where and how the proposed program should be introduced. In addition, the CDT will identify specific cultural, school, and community issues to address.