Design Project for the MAISA/GELN Disciplinary Literacy Essentials
A team comprising leaders of the Disciplinary Literacy Task Force, including CEDER Design Coordinator Darin Stockdill, will develop a series of courses for secondary classroom educators as part of a statewide professional learning initiative of the Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators' General Education Leadership Network.

The Essential Practices for Disciplinary Literacy Instruction in the Secondary Classroom is a statewide teacher resource and professional learning initiative of the General Education Leadership Network of the Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators. As a part of this multiyear effort, a team of educators from the leadership of the Disciplinary Literacy Task Force is developing a series of seven online courses/modules to support teachers’ professional learning around the Essential Practices. Darin Stockdill, the Design Coordinator of CEDER, is the lead researcher participating in this design team and has been a part of this work since its inception.