BCI-VP: A Virtual Coaching Intervention for Facilitating Secondary Mathematics Belonging-Centered Instruction
Led by Dr. Jamaal Matthews (PI) and Dr. Matthew Ronfeldt (co-PI), this project aims to scaffold secondary mathematics teachers in developing classroom practices that support equity for racially marginalized students and examine the psychological and sociocultural mechanisms that facilitate teacher growth in culturally conscious mathematics instruction.

Given the ways Black and Latine students face social threat and stigma in mathematics education, they need culturally competent teachers to help them confront these challenges in ways that engender belonging, healthy identity development, and mathematics success. The project team will implement a virtual intervention that provides teachers with observational analysis of their instruction and continuous improvement coaching for cultivating Belonging-Centered Instruction (BCI). BCI refers to teachers’ provision of social and pedagogical supports that mitigate student alienation and dehumanization in mathematics and actively empower disenfranchised youth to realize their belongingness, agency, and skill.