Learning Opportunities
In “Generative AI as a Learning Design Partner,” you will explore opportunities and applications for generative AI in supporting and enhancing learning design activities and tasks. You will learn how generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, can be used to create learning outcomes, draft course outlines, content, and assessments, and evaluate course design. You will also be able to determine the strengths and limitations of using generative AI in educational settings and develop strategies for engaging with educational stakeholders.
Interested in learning about specific high-leverage practices? Each of these asynchronous courses offers an introduction to a different high-leverage practice. These are introductory courses with no prerequisites, although Introduction to Practice-Based Teacher Education is recommended. You may register for all five courses in this set, or you may opt to register for just one or two courses.
Explore IBL and PBL in secondary mathematics. Algebra and geometry examples and pedagogical lesson planning considerations will be provided.
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Marsal Family School of Education
EdHub for Community & Professional Learning
610 E University Ave STE 1033
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259