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Stephanie Carroll

Research Investigator




Stephanie Carroll is a Research Investigator in the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education. Her research focuses on college access and success with the goal of improving postsecondary outcomes for underrepresented student groups. With the Michigan Admissions Collaboratory (MAC), Stephanie works with other researchers and admissions professionals to study postsecondary admissions processes in order to improve admissions policy and practice. Her research background in qualitative methods and her professional background in selective college admissions inform her approach to this work. 

Stephanie’s past research has examined the college choice process for students with disabilities, formative education practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, and policies and practices that influence the high school counseling profession. In addition to research, Stephanie is an educator with over a decade of experience teaching and managing educational programs. She completed her doctorate in higher education at Boston College, her master’s in higher education at the University of Pennsylvania, and her master’s in teaching at American University.