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Robin Jacob

Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; By Courtesy Research Professor, Marsal Family School of Education


(734) 647-4194


Institute for Social Research
Perry Room 2338
426 Thompson St.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Robin Jacob is a Research Professor at the Survey Research Center at Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan and a faculty Co-Director of the Youth Policy Lab.

She has 15 years of experience conducting randomized trials and quasi-experimental evaluations of social interventions, in a variety of different contexts. Her evaluations have targeted a wide range of outcomes including literacy, math, and social-emotional competencies, executive functioning skills, and health related outcomes and have included evaluations of federal initiatives, programs developed by nonprofit organizations, as well as those developed by for-profit service providers. Her work has been funded by the Institute for Education Sciences, the National Science Foundation, and numerous private foundations. She received a PhD in public policy from the University of Chicago.

Selected Publications

"The Potential for School-Based Interventions that Target Executive Function to Improve Academic Achievement: A Review."

Jacob, Robin T. and Parkinson, Julia (2015). Review of Educational Research, 85(4), 512-552.

"Exploring the Causal Impact of the McREL Balanced Leadership Program on Leadership, Principal Efficacy, Instructional Climate, Educator Turnover, and Student Achievement."

Jacob, Robin T.; Goddard, Roger; Kim, Minjung; Miller, Robert and Goddard, Yvonne (2015). Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 37(3), 314-332.

"Social-Emotional Learning is Essential to Classroom Management."

Jones, Stephanie M.; Bailey, Rebecca and Jacob, Robin T. (2014).  Phi Delta Kappan, 96(2), 19-24.

"Assessing the use of Aggregate Data in the Evaluation of School-Based Interventions: Implications for Evaluation Research and State Policy regarding Public-use Data."

Jacob, Robin T.; Goddard, Roger D. and Kim, Eun S. (2014). Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 36(1), 44-66.

"Professional Development Research: Consensus, Crossroads, and Challenges."

Hill, Heather C.; Beisiegel, Mary and Jacob, Robin T. (2013). Educational Researcher, 42(9), 476-487.

"Designing and Analyzing Studies that Randomize Schools to Estimate Intervention Effects on Student Academic Outcomes without Classroom-Level Information."

Zhu, Pei; Jacob, Robin T.; Bloom, Howard and Xu, Zeyu (2012). Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis, 34(1), 45-68.

" An Experiment to Test the Feasibility and Quality of a Web-Based Questionnaire of Teachers."

Jacob, Robin T. (2011). Evaluation Review, 35(1), 40-70.

"New Empirical Evidence for the Design of Group Randomized Trials in Education."

Jacob, Robin T.; Zhu, P. and Bloom, H. (2010). Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 3(2), 157-198.

"Using Instructional Logs to Identify Quality in Educational Settings."

Rowan, Brian; Jacob, Robin T. and Corentti, R. (2009). 13. In Yohalem, Nicole; Granger, Robert C. and Pittman, Karen J. (Ed.), Defining and Measuring Quality in Youth Programs and Classrooms. Wiley: San Francisco, Calif.