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Patrick Mies

Intermittent Lecturer

Dr. Mies works as an Intermittent Lecturer within the School of Education. His primary focus is working with prospective general education teachers to help them better understand the unique learning and social emotional needs of students with disabilities who will undoubtedly be included in their classrooms. He contends that these strategies work for all students, irrespective of whether they are “general” or “special” education students.

He is passionate about inclusive learning environments predicated on respect and high expectations for all. Additionally, his professional interests include organizational structures, culture and climate within schools and school districts and building the capacity of all who work in schools.

His professional experiences include teaching special education at the secondary level. Specifically, he has taught in a Resource Room, a Cross-Categorical Center Program within a high school, and in a school for students with mild to severe disabilities. Dr. Mies is currently the principal of the Western Wayne Skill Center, a Livonia Public School that provides education and training to students between the ages of 18-26.

Presently, Dr. Mies serves as a Board Member for the Living and Learning Enrichment Center. He is a past Board Member for Community Opportunity Center, a non-profit housing corporation for adults with disabilities. He also volunteered within Michigan Prisons through the Archdiocese of Detroit for more than ten years. When possible, Dr. Mies likes to draw upon his professional experiences and volunteer work to help prospective teachers better understand abstract material.