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Cho-Yee To

Professor Emeritus

Cho-Yee To, Professor Emeritus of Education, Research Scientist, retired from active faculty status at the Marsal Family School of Education in 2003.

Cho-Yee To joined the faculty of the University of Michigan in 1967, and was promoted to professor of education in 1976. He served as chair of the Marsal School's Program in Social Foundations from 1977-79 and again in 1992-1993.  He also served on the Senate Advisory Committee, the Horace Rackham School of Graduate Studies' Dissertation Awards Committee, the Levi Barbour Scholarship Committee, the University Library Council, etc.

To is an internationally recognized educator and scholar. He has held appointments as dean, chair, honorary professor, or external examinar at the Chinese University of Hong Kong's faculty of education and faculty of medicine, National Institute of Education of Singapore, National University of Singapore, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal Unoiversity, Shanghai Second Medical University, Korea University of Art, University of Melbourne, Kent State University, University of California, among others. He is also the founding president of the Hong Kong Educational Research Association, was president of Science and Mathematics Education Society of Hong Kong and member of the International Committee of AERA.

Cho-Yee To graduated with distinction (1959) from the United College of Hong Kong, received his MA (1963) and Distinguished Alumni Award (2016) from Washington University in St. Louis, his PhD (1967) and HonD (2022) from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale.