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Brittany Campbell

Meetings & Special Events Coordinator


610 E. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259

Brittany serves as the Meetings and Special Events Coordinator for the Dean’s Office at the Marsal Family School of Education. She is responsible for providing planning, coordinating, and day-of event support for the Dean’s Office as well as the rest of the Marsal community. Whether it’s school-wide Commencement or gatherings hosted by Dean Moje, she’s excited to be keeping everything running smoothly. 

Brittany has a background in the arts, specifically photography, textile design, and jewelry design. She also stretches her creativity in the garden, both through its design and planting and through her camera lens. She’s happiest when she’s behind the camera, working in the garden, or spending time with her daughter and husband.

Before coming to Marsal, Brittany spent 8 years managing a busy retail shop in downtown Brighton, MI. She handled event planning and execution, inventory tracking, website updates, marketing, customer service, creating product displays, and managing a small team of coworkers. Prior to that, she spent 5 years as office manager for a team of Realtors in Ann Arbor, MI. Her responsibilities included special event planning, website updates and marketing, and coordinating the listing and sale process for her coworkers and their clients.