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Office for Institutional Equity

OIE oversees, facilitates and supports the University’s efforts to ensure equal opportunity for all persons regardless of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status in employment, educational programs and activities, and admissions.

Contact OIE


Sexual Misconduct

To create a safe campus, it is important that everyone has accurate information about confidential resources and reporting options. When sexual misconduct is not reported or taken seriously, it cannot be effectively addressed.

Report sexual misconduct


Campus Climate Concern

The Dean of Students Office supports students experiencing a variety of concerns, including but not limited to: academic, financial, basic needs, physical and mental health, campus climate concerns, off campus housing, concerns for well-being, and disruptive/disturbing behavior.

Report a concern

Report concerns and affirmations

Contact the dean at any time via email to communicate:

  • Concerns: What we can work on or issues that require our attention.
  • Affirmations: What is going well or shout outs to individuals or groups.

[email protected]

Contact the dean anonymously

The information that you submit using this form will remain anonymous (unless you elect to provide your email address) and will be sent directly to the dean of the Marsal Family School of Education. Under the university’s policies, the dean is considered a “Responsible Employee” and is obligated to communicate reported misconduct to the Office for Institutional Equity.

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