Advanced Education Technology Program

Start Date
- Next start date TBD

Course Type
- 100% online
- Includes synchronous and asynchronous coursework

- None, but helpful if you are in an educational setting

- One semester (15 weeks)

- $499
- $399 for U-M alumni

Completion Outcomes
- Professional certificate
- 45 SCECH hours
Education Technologies for Meaningful and Transformative Learning
The University of Michigan School of Education Advanced Education Technology Certificate (AETP) is a growth-based teacher certification that aligns with the ISTE Standards for Educators (internationally recognized standards in P–16 teaching with technology). The AETP program develops educators and workplace leaders who will use educational technologies for learning in meaningful and transformative ways. School administrators, workplace leaders and P–12 teachers work together on integrating evidence-based practices and frameworks with technology in learning, allowing for rich discussions from both perspectives. In addition, participants will be connecting the ISTE competencies to their own place of work, thus creating professional projects around their school's (or place of work) particular needs and demographics. This program is a small and collaborative cohort, where participants become part of a close-knit professional learning network.
The program has a strong focus on the science of learning, teaching pedagogy and instructional design that integrates technology tools. Successful participants complete a portfolio meeting all seven of the ISTE Standards for Educators and earn a certificate in Advanced Education Technology from the U-M Marsal Family School of Education. In addition, participants will develop individual growth in teaching and learning with technology.
- Preparing educators to become digital leaders in their school district and learning communities
- Recognizing the importance of the fraught history of screens in schools and how this history has a direct impact on choices we make today around education technologies.
- Developing a common language and knowledge on the science of learning, evidence-based frameworks, and research-informed methods in technology education.
- Applying the evidence-based and research-informed Triple E Framework to evaluating and designing lessons with technology tools (Note: in this course you will work with the Triple E developer, Dr. Liz Kolb)
- Applying technology to build professional networks and participating in teaching and learning online
- Using frameworks to support evaluating digital tools for learning
- Leveraging current and past research on education technology and the learning sciences in order to apply research to instructional methods
- Applying education technology to instructional design principles for blended and remote learning
- Recognizing and addressing how digital technology tools contribute to injustice, inequity, bias and racist systems.
- Becoming an advocate for ways to alleviate digital inequities
- Understanding how to analyze digital data (from adaptive tools) to support personalized learning plans
- Understanding digital wellness and how to have a positive mental health around screen use
This program is the “next step” for many educators and school administrators and even experts in fields outside of education that would like to better use technologies in their place of work (we have had participants in the fields of law, business, and public service). While many digital learning tools are integrated into the program, the program is not about learning a lot of new digital tools, rather it is about learning good pedagogical and research-informed strategies to use when integrating technology and evaluating the use of technology in learning. The program provides a common framework for teachers and administrators to talk about digital tools in learning to make sure the tools are supporting good learning practices. Finally, the program is grounded in issues of digital equity and understanding that digital access for students is necessary and that educators have the power to contribute to or to mitigate inequities created by digital technologies.
- For anyone new to K-12 instructional coaching, this is a great program to build some coaching tools and strategies.
- This is an excellent program for K-12 teachers who are interested in becoming technology coordinators, instructional designers, technology coaches, or just better at integrating technology in their face to face or remote instruction.
- The program is useful for K-12 administrators who want to understand how technology can support their K-12 teachers in their in-person or remote instruction.
- For anyone NOT in the K-12 field but interested in the science of learning behind digital technologies to better their place of work
Course Curriculum
Participants will complete these live sessions over the course of the program, producing 8 original artifacts for their teaching with technology portfolios to earn their Advanced Education Technology Certificate from the University of Michigan based on the ISTE Standards for Educators.
All sessions are 2.5 hours long and are held synchronously online through Zoom.
- Session 1: Community Building/Setting Up
- Focus: ISTE Learner and Facilitator Competencies. This session is an introduction to the AETP program and a time to build the AETP learning community. Participants will spend time getting to know each other, as well as modeling and participating in community building activities. Further, participants will be able to check their AETP digital communication tools and accounts. By the end of the session, all participants should be comfortable with the technology tools that will be used for the entire program, have clearly defined goals, and have a better sense of who is in their AETP learning community.
- Session 2: Equity, Digital Access and Learning
- Focus: ISTE Leader Competency. This session will ground AETP participants in the core foundation that digital access and equity permeates all aspects of technology in learning. Participants will explore key issues related to inequities in learning with digital tools, as well as understand how to become advocates for students, families and communities to mitigate the inequities. Guest speakers will share how they are working to overcome inequalities created by digital technologies with vulnerable populations. Participants will leave this session with a solid understanding of the equity issues that plague digital learning, how to gather information about equity and technology in their teaching placement, and how to advocate to educational stakeholders around issues of digital equity.
- Session 3: Research and Ed Tech, Student Learning
- Focus: ISTE Learner and Collaborator Competencies. This session will introduce the participants to the significant research in education technologies over the past two decades, as well as how this research connects to student learning. Participants will leave this session understanding how students learn best with technology tools and resources to support using research-based pedagogy when learning with digital tools. The concepts of motivation and engagement with technology tools will also be explored.
- Session 4: Frameworks, TPACK and the Triple E Framework
- Focus: ISTE Learner and Designer Competencies. This session will introduce the participants to the conceptual framework of TPACK and the practitioner framework of the Triple E Framework. Participants will learn how to use the Triple E Framework to support lesson design and evaluate lessons with technology tools for effective pedagogical strategies with technology tools. AETP participants will leave this session with methods to use evidence-based research to support technology use in learning and how to use the Triple E Framework to support this work.
- Session 5: Evaluating Education Applications
- Focus: ISTE Leader and Analyst Competencies. This session will prepare participants to analyze digital technology applications using the Triple E Framework for Educational Application Evaluation as well as KIDMAP. Participants will use research-based methods to examine a digital tool, including using various lenses such as BIPOC, ELL, accessibility, pedagogical, motivation, and student data privacy. Participations will also learn how to use tools to set up action-research studies in their schools to pilot new digital tools.
- Session 6: Blended and Online Learning
- Focus: ISTE Learner and Designer Competency. This session will introduce the participants to research-based approaches in blended and online learning. Participants will learn strategies to engage and motivate students in online learning spaces (both synchronous and asynchronous). They will also explore formative and summative digital assessment methods. Guest experts will share how they effectively teach and organize work in the online spaces.
- Session 7: Digital Wellness and Digital Legalese
- Focus: ISTE Citizen Competency. This session will introduce participants to the digital legalese that they need know as K-12 teachers, administrators and coaches. Topics include FERPA, CIPA, COPPA, GDPR, OER, and Copyright. Further they will explore digital screen time and mental health, and overall digital wellness. Participants will leave this session with a solid understanding of how to legally protect student data privacy, how legal issues impact digital technology in schools, curriculum resources to teach and model digital citizenship to students, and how their own digital identities can be shaped by choices they make in both their personal and professional lives.
- Session 8: Portfolio Salon
- Focus: ISTE Facilitator Competency. This session will be a culmination of the work AETP participants have done throughout the program. Participants will present their final portfolio project in a virtual salon format.
AETP was developed in partnership with the Center for Academic Innovation.

Online Meeting Schedule
Upcoming AETP class dates TBD.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I register?
- Registration for University of Michigan Advanced Education Technology Program will occur through the University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education’s Canvas website. Once participants are registered, they will receive an email with more instructions about the AETP program.
- What is the time commitment?
- There will be 17.5 hours of synchronous course meetings made up of 7 2.5 hour sessions every other week at a regular time. There will also be 24.5 hours of asynchronous coursework over the course of a semester.
- What credentials do I receive upon completion?
Upon completion, you will receive:
- 45 SCECH hours for anyone with a Michigan teaching license (no additional costs)
- An official University of Michigan Advanced Education Technology Certificate
- An affiliation with the University of Michigan Global Community and Network
- What are the technology requirements for participation?
All participants will be expected to use the following tools in order to fully participate in the program:
- The asynchronous portion of the program operates in Canvas.
- The synchronous portion of the program operates through Zoom.
- A stable broadband Internet connection is needed for the synchronous sessions.
- Google Tools are used throughout the program (Docs, Slides, Forms, and Sheets).
- Microphones and Web cameras are strongly advised, although not required.
Please contact Dr. Liz Kolb with any questions regarding the University of Michigan Advanced Education Technology Program.
Enroll in AETP
This program has been developed for any P–12 educator who is currently teaching or working as an administrator in a P–12 school. The program is designed to support an individual teacher/administrator or a whole district/school interested in systematic professional development around education technology.

For Schools & Districts
Request a custom quote
The curriculum will be modified to fit the needs of the district or school. Cost is dependent on the total number of participants.