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Course Catalog

Code Number Hours Name of the Course
EDUC 213 3 Equity and Empowerment for Coaching and Leading
This course will explore how institutions of Sport, Education and Business serve as key spaces to build and uphold transformative systems to center equity and empower individuals.  The course will highlight key moments where these institutions have promoted equity and fostered empowerment resulting in greater diversity, inclusion, justice and belonging.  Case studies of teams and leaders/coaches that disrupt inequity in sport, education and business will be critically analyzed and explored at personal, interpersonal, institutional and systemic levels.  As we examine leaders who work for more just institutions we will identify systems that also create, maintain, and promote inequity in the United States.  Students will confront practices of inequity within Systems of Oppression along the lines of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability/disability, and body type.  Students will be challenged and guided to become more action-oriented in their current spheres of influence to be catalysts to disrupt inequity and advance justice in rapidly evolving and complex social structures.   Students will learn and practice leadership skills to promote equity and empowerment in their future professions and play a key role in leveraging their power to advance justice.