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Undergraduates in graduation attire jump gleefully in front of Hill Auditorium

Bachelor's Degrees

Bachelor of Arts in Education

LEAPS is a four-year Bachelor’s Degree in Education, designed to prepare students for a wide range of professional careers. It has many unique elements that distinguish it from the traditional undergraduate experience, including an educational approach based upon our best knowledge of how people learn.

Bachelor of Arts or Science with Teacher Certification

The elementary teacher education program at the University of Michigan has a strong emphasis on developing teachers’ instructional practices for the purpose of disrupting inequities in schools. Students earn a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and are recommended to the State of Michigan for elementary teacher certification. Prospective teachers (teaching interns) learn teaching practices that adopt a "subject-matter serious" perspective and are rooted in social justice. Students typically begin the four-term program during their junior year.

First-year students interested in elementary teacher education should consider applying for the Teacher Education Preferred Admissions (TEPA) Program.


of known graduates found full-time employment or pursued an advanced degree


of known graduates indicated are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position


of known graduates found a job within 4 months
Hiring organizations and job titles


Organization Job Title Location
Abbot Elementary School 1st Grade Teacher Ann Arbor, MI
Carpenter Elementary School 4th Grade Teacher Ann Arbor, MI
Dearborn School of Music Piano, Guitar, and Bass Guitar Instructor Dearborn, MI
Kent Lake Elementary School 5th Grade Teacher South Lyon, MI
Wines Elementary School Academic Resource Teacher (K-2) Ann Arbor, MI


Organization Job Title Location
Baker-Butler Elementary School 1st Grade Classroom Teacher Charlottesville, VA
Hoover Math and Science Academy Kindergarten Teacher Schaumburg, IL
Monterey Community School 2nd Grade Teacher Denver, CO
Sixth Avenue Elementary School 3rd Grade Teacher Aurora, CO

The secondary teacher education program at the University of Michigan is a three-term program that prepares students to teach grades 6-12. Starting during your junior year, you can work toward an undergraduate degree and secondary teacher certification through the State of Michigan. As a prospective secondary teacher, also called a “teaching intern,” you get the opportunity to teach subjects about which you have a deep understanding.

First-year students interested in secondary teacher education should consider applying for the Teacher Education Preferred Admissions (TEPA) Program.


of known graduates found full-time employment or pursued an advanced degree


of known graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position


of known graduates found a job within 4 months
Hiring organizations and job titles


Organization Job Title Location
Canton Preparatory High School 9th-12th Grade Social Studies Teacher Canton, MI
Detroit International Academy for Young Women Teacher Detroit, MI
Holland High School Spanish Teacher Holland, MI
Huron High School Social Studies Teacher Ann Arbor, MI
Pioneer High School High School Science Teacher Ann Arbor, MI
Washtenaw International Academy 7th, 8th, 9th Grade ELA Teacher Ypsilanti, MI


Organization Job title Location
Caruso Middle School 6th-8th Grade Spanish Teacher Deerfield, IL
Costa Mesa Middle School 7th & 8th Grade Special Education Costa Mesa, CA
Discovery Outdoor Education Program 2nd-12th Grade Outdoor Educator Navasota, TX
Mendham Township Middle School 5th-8th Grades Choir Director Mendham, NJ
Somerville High School 10th Grade College Prep & Honors English Teacher Somerville, MA

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Interested in teacher certification? Schedule an appointment with our recruitment team:



Phone: (734) 615-1528
[email protected]