Peter Riley Bahr’s research cited in the 2023 Economic Report of the President
The report notes the “substantial increases” in annual income of graduates of community colleges.

Chapter five of President Biden’s 2023 Economic Report, “Building Stronger Postsecondary Institutions,” cites two working papers by Peter Riley Bahr. The citations support the statement that “relative to those who start but do not complete their two-year degrees, graduates of community colleges see substantial increases in their annual income five to nine years after college entry.”
The works cited include: Bahr’s working paper, “The Earnings of Community College Graduates in California,” and “Labor Market Returns to Community College Awards: Evidence from Michigan,” published by Bahr and S. Dynarski, B. Jacob, D. Kreisman, A. Sosa, and M. Wiederspan. Both working papers were published by the Center for Analysis of Postsecondary Education and Employment.