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Pamela Moss named co-editor of AERA's Review of Research in Education 

March 11, 2025

Moss will co-edit the 2026 and 2028 volumes with Louis Gomez.


John Dewey Collegiate Professor of Education Pamela Moss has been named co-editor of the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Review of Research in Education (RRE). Moss, along with co-editor Louis Gomez of the University of California, Los Angeles, will oversee production of the journal’s Vol. 50 (2026) and Vol. 52 (2028). The overall theme for the two coordinated volumes is "Synthesizing Heterogenous Bodies of Research to Inform Theories of Change in Complex Educational Systems."

RRE, published annually, provides a forum for analytic research reviews on selected education topics of significance to the field. Each volume addresses a topic of broad relevance to education and learning, and publishes articles that critically examine diverse literatures and bodies of knowledge across relevant disciplines and fields. RRE volumes advance the state of the knowledge, promote discussion, and shape directions for future research.

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John Dewey Collegiate Professor of Education, Marsal Family School of Education