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Michael Bastedo elected to the National Academy of Education

March 10, 2023

Professor Michael Bastedo was elected to the membership of the National Academy of Education. The National Academy of Education advances high quality education research and its use in policy and practice. The Academy consists of U.S. members and international associates who are elected based on outstanding scholarship or leadership related to education. In addition to serving on expert study panels that address pressing issues in education, members are also deeply engaged in the Academy’s professional development fellowship programs.


Carol Lee, president of the National Academy of Education, said of the 18 newly elected members: “This diverse group of leaders and scholars is at the forefront of those who are improving the lives of students in the United States and abroad. At a time of great tension and political debate surrounding education, these leaders are building a strong foundation of knowledge and evidence for ways to improve education policy and practice.”

Other Marsal Family School of Education faculty members who are members are Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hyman Bass, Elizabeth Moje, Pamela Moss, Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar, Brian Rowan, and Edward Silver. 

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Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs; Professor, Marsal Family School of Education