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Matthew Ronfeldt receives Article of the Year Award from the Journal of Teacher Education

February 09, 2022

The award-winning paper highlights features of high-quality teacher preparation.


The review panel for the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education’s (AACTE) Committee on Research and Dissemination has selected “Three Different Measures of Graduates' Instructional Readiness and the Features of Preservice Preparation That Predict Them” by associate professor of Educational Studies, Matthew Ronfeldt, as the 2022 recipient of the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) Article of the Year Award

"Dr. Ronfeldt’s paper offers a number of important contributions to our understanding of the features that make up high-quality teacher preparation, which is absolutely critical for assuring that all children, youth, and adults have access to efficacious and equitable education opportunities,” says SOE Dean Elizabeth Moje. “As one of the first studies to show a positive association between the observation ratings of new graduates and their mentor teachers, this influential publication demonstrates the importance of having highly skilled teachers serving in mentor roles."

The award will be presented to Ronfeldt at AACTE’s 74th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, in March 2022.

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Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Faculty Associate, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research