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Matt Diemer and alumna Aixa Marchand contribute to critical quantitative methodology series

May 26, 2022

Dr. Matthew Diemer and alumna Dr. Aixa Marchand, a 2019 graduate of the Combined Program in Education and Psychology, contributed a webinar titled “A Critical Perspective on Measurement: MIMIC Models to Identify and Remediate Racial (and Other) Forms of Bias” to the Critical Perspectives in Quantitative Methods Series.


Their webinar considers the affordances and limitations of MIMIC (Multiple Indicator and Multiple Causes) models for critical quantitative methods, by detecting and remediating racial, ethnic, gendered, and other forms of bias in items and in measures. MIMIC models simply and efficiently test whether a measure means the same thing and can be measured in the same way across groups (e.g., racial/ethnic and/or gender).

The series is sponsored by the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE), and co-sponsored by the Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP), the American Educational Research Association – Division L, and the Council on Public Policy in Higher Education (CPPHE), a Council of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE). The series on critical perspectives in quantitative methods is open to the public.

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Chair of the Combined Program in Education and Psychology; Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; By Courtesy Professor of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; Faculty Associate, Institute for Social Research