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Marsal School senior Rhianna Lucas (ABEd ’23) profiled in The Record

April 28, 2023

After starting her freshman year in the College of Engineering, Lucas said she felt a greater calling to teach.


Although Rhianna Lucas (ABEd ’23) loved learning about science and engineering, she ultimately felt a stronger pull to work with students. She decided to pursue a bachelor’s degree in education with a certification in earth and space science.

This spring, as she prepares to graduate, Lucas is also wrapping up her time student teaching in a project-based learning school. She told The Record that she plans to carry the learning techniques from the school into her future teaching.

“I think the best way to learn science is through doing science. So that’s in any lesson that I teach—to not just have PowerPoints and notes, but to actually be doing science to learn,” she said.

Upon graduating, Lucas plans to move to Austin, Texas, to teach middle school science.