Kimberly Floyd (AM ’07, TeachCert ’07) named Secondary Teacher of the Year by Michigan World Language Association
The MIWLA Teacher of the Year Awards honor the accomplishments of exemplary K-12 world language teachers.

Kimberly Floyd (AM ’07, TeachCert ’07), who graduated from the Secondary MAC Program in 2007, has been named the 2022 Secondary Teacher of the Year by the Michigan World Language Association. Floyd began teaching English as a foreign language in Mezotur, Hungary before moving home to Michigan to teach French at the middle and high school levels. She holds a bachelor’s degree in French and International Studies from Hope College, and a master’s in Educational Studies from The SOE. She also possesses a certification in K-12 administration through the State of Michigan. Floyd currently teaches French in the Lansing area at Chippewa Middle School and Okemos High School.