English and Education PhD student monét cooper receives 2023 CCCC Gloria Anzaldúa Rhetorician Award
The annual award supports scholars whose work participates in the making of meaning out of sexual and gender minority experiences.

English and Education PhD student monét cooper is one of two scholars to receive a 2023 CCCC Gloria Anzaldúa Rhetorician Award. The award is sponsored by The Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), a constituent organization within the National Council of Teachers of English.
When reviewing proposals, the Awards Selection Committee considers originality of research; critical engagement with and contribution to current scholarship in queer studies and rhetoric/composition; and potential for lasting projects. Of cooper’s proposal, the committee says:
“The self/care of queer Black girls deftly advances Black queer/quare studies as a means of centering “Black aliveness,” a move that vitalizes literacy studies and tasks it with this critical work. Posed as a methodological intervention, cooper offers the field of queer rhetorics and literacies much in centralizing joy and the erotic, clearly evinced in cooper’s reflexivity and care within the proposal. The committee is eager to see this scholar’s work flourish amid the sites of application envisioned.”
cooper will be announced as a recipient of the CCCC Gloria Anzaldúa Rhetorician Award at the 2023 CCCC Annual Convention in Chicago.