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English and Education PhD student monét cooper featured on DAYUM podcast 

October 06, 2022

Joined by her co-host Erin Thesing, the two discuss their own podcast, “Dancing on Desks.”


Educators monét cooper and Erin Thesing developed their podcast “Dancing on Desks” to talk about education “as liberatory, justice-full, and abolitionist. A podcast where there is joy, words of accountability, music, and all of the dopeness that we've experienced in the space of advocacy and organizing, story circles, library runs, webinars, and talks with students, caregivers, and colleagues who believe—like Paulo Freire and bell hooks, Fannie Lou Hamer and Ella Baker, Howard Zinn and Julius Rosenwald, James Baldwin and Harriet Tubman—that education is the practice of freedom.”

Recently, the two co-hosts were featured on "Get Schooled," the podcast produced by Detroit Area Youth Uniting Michigan’s (DAYUM). "Get Schooled" is created and hosted by youth organizers Hafiza Khalique and Brittyn Benjamin-Kelley. cooper and Thesing joined them for a conversation that spanned the development of “Dancing on Desks” as ethics of care that are rooted in liberation, and abolitionist teaching and learning in the classroom.