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Elizabeth Moje joins Detroit Today to discuss the return to in-person K-12 education

August 20, 2021

Dean Elizabeth Birr Moje joined WDET’s Detroit Today to discuss the experiences of children and educators as schools open back up for in-person learning, with even uncertainly around the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the delta variant. 


Moje said that Michigan school districts are planning to follow similar public health guidelines as last year to keep students and faculty safe. “There are many protocols in place … but it depends on the district, some are mandating masks … some are mandating vaccinations and I know [Detroit Public Schools will] be adding weekly testing for everyone as well.” 

Although many school districts will continue to have options for virtual learning, children tend to learn best in person, which is why everyone needs to work within public health guidelines. “If people are really serious about getting back to in person, then we should all do our part and that includes masking on top of vaccinations,” said Moje.  

Moje emphasized the importance of focusing on the healthy development of children along with the academic gains to be made this year. “I want to start with just the idea of setbacks and what some people are talking about as learning loss. I want to really encourage educators to focus on children as whole beings and who they are as social and emotional beings and start with health and wellness first. And when I say ‘health and wellness’ I’m not only talking about the virus; I’m talking about all the socio-emotional experiences children have had over the past year and a half.” 

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Dean, George Herbert Mead Collegiate Professor of Education and Arthur F Thurnau Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Faculty Associate, Institute for Social Research; Faculty Affiliate in Latino/a Studies, College of LSA