Doctoral student Darrius Robinson named CADRE Fellow for 2020-2021
Darrius Robinson, a doctoral student in Educational Studies and a Rackham Merit Fellow, has been named a 2020-2021 CADRE Fellow. CADRE is a network for STEM education researchers funded by the National Science Foundation's Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12) program.

The CADRE Fellows program provides professional growth opportunities for early career researchers whose work centers on diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM education. Through a series of capacity-building activities, the program offers Fellows the opportunity to gain insight into what it takes to be successful and effective in this field, become more familiar with NSF practices, and network with DRK-12 awardees and other early career researchers from across the country.
All fellows are researchers on active DRK-12 projects funded by the National Science Foundation. Darrius is a graduate student researcher on the NSF-funded Organizing to Learn Practice Project.