Doctoral alumni Naivedya Parakkal, Andrew Moos, Nate Bauer, and Andres Pinedo receive the 2023 Stanley E. and Ruth B. Dimond Best Dissertation Award
The Marsal Family School of Education is proud to announce the recipients of the 2023 Stanley E. and Ruth B. Dimond Best Dissertation Award. The Dimond Best Dissertation Award was established to give recognition to the premier doctoral dissertation completed in each of the four doctoral programs in the school in the prior year.

Stanley E. Dimond joined the faculty of the School of Education in 1950. His teaching, writing, support of master's and doctoral candidates, and national leadership in social studies and public education were recognized by the Regents of the University of Michigan as he was named, first, distinguished professor in 1966 and, upon his retirement in 1972, professor emeritus. Together with his wife, Ruth Bullis Dimond, Dr. Dimond encouraged several generations of education students to persevere and excel in their chosen fields of inquiry and service. Professor Dimond died in 1989 and Mrs. Dimond in 1996. Prior to her death, Mrs. Dimond established the Stanley E. and Ruth B. Dimond Best Dissertation Award.
The 2023 recipients are listed by the four doctoral programs:
Educational Studies
Awardee: Naivedya Parakkal
Dissertation Title: "Ruptures in Global Development: Restorying ‘Inclusive Education for All’ with Indigenous/Adivasi Youth in Casteist-Colonial India"
Program Chair: Angela Calabrese-Barton
Dissertation Chair: Michelle Bellino
PhD Admin: Lisa Hawkins, PhD program manager
Joint Programs in English & Education
Awardee: Andrew Moos
Dissertation Title: "The Language Ideologies of White First-Year Composition Instructors: Exploring Intersections between Writing Pedagogy, Attitudes toward Language, and White Identity"
Program Chair: Ebony Elizabeth Thomas
Dissertation Advisor: Anne Ruggles Gere
Program Manager: Jeanie Laubenthal
Center for the Study of Higher & Postsecondary Education
Awardee: Nate Bauer
Dissertation Title: "The Influence of Price Changes on Enrollment: Research Designs to Examine Price Responsiveness in Graduate and Professional Schools"
Program Director: Lisa Lattuca
Dissertation Chair: Steve DesJardins
Doctoral Committee:
Professor Stephen L. DesJardins, Chair
Professor Brian P. McCall
Associate Professor Awilda Rodriguez
Associate Professor Kevin Stange
PhD Admin: Jennifer Feneley
Combined Program for Education & Psychology
Awardee: Andres Pinedo
Dissertation Title: "Supporting Youth Combatting Racism: Critical Consciousness Development in a Racist Society"
Program Chair: Matthew Diemer
Dissertation Chair: Matthew Diemer & Denise Sekaquaptewa
PhD Admin: Daniel Hartlep