Diemer and other experts produce teach-out about U.S. primaries
Professor Matthew Diemer is one of the faculty featured in a new Teach-Out designed for anyone interested in learning more about the 2020 primaries and caucuses.

The United States presidential election process is a complex one. In this Teach-Out, experts in politics, political science, and education at the University of Michigan, the University of Delaware, the University of Iowa, and the Iowa Caucus Project at Drake University address questions such as
- What is the U.S. primary process?
- What are the differences and similarities between primaries vs caucuses?
- Why do Iowa and New Hampshire get to go first?
- What role do delegates play?
- What is Super Tuesday?
- Is there a difference between political parties in how the primary process functions?
- Do incumbent candidates have an advantage?
- How do other countries’ voting processes differ?
- How are US territories are involved?
The U-M Teach-Out Series is part of the university’s deep commitment to engage the public in exploring and understanding the problems, events, and phenomena most important to society. Teach-Outs are just-in-time community learning events that encourage participants around the world to come together in conversation with the U-M campus community and faculty experts.