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Deborah Rivas-Drake elected to the Society for Research in Child Development Governing Council

January 22, 2021

Professor Deborah Rivas-Drake was elected Secretary of The Society for Research in Child Development. Rivas-Drake will take office immediately following the biennial meeting in April. The Secretary and Members-at-Large serve on the Governing Council for six-year terms. The Society for Research in Child Development advances developmental science and promotes its use to improve human lives.


SRCD’s mission is rooted in an understanding of child development as an integrated part of lifelong development that takes place in complex and interrelated contexts. It is based on a belief that in order to create reliable, valid, and useful knowledge, developmental science must explore a diverse array of biological, cognitive, psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of development through rigorous scientific inquiry that uses multiple perspectives, methods, and levels of analysis. This task requires approaches that represent individual disciplinary traditions as well those that integrate multiple disciplines across a broad range of biological, behavioral, and social sciences. This task also requires diversity in all its forms—among the children, families, and communities who are studied; among the scientists who conduct this work; and among the students who are preparing to be future teachers, practitioners, and researchers. Although no single study can incorporate the full range and scope of these disciplinary and diversity goals, SRCD takes the position that a full, integrative field of developmental science is needed to achieve a comprehensive understanding of human development and to foster the effective application of that understanding to improve human well-being.

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Associate Dean for Faculty and Student Development; Stephanie J. Rowley Collegiate Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Professor of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts