Deborah Loewenberg Ball delivers Distinguished University Professorship Lecture
Her talk examined the specialized ways of listening, talking, and thinking mathematically that teaching requires.

On November 13, 2024, Deborah Loewenberg Ball delivered her Distinguished University Professorship Lecture titled “Do You Know Mathematics Well Enough to Teach Fourth Grade?” Her talk examined the specialized ways of listening, talking, and thinking mathematically that teaching requires. Loewenberg Ball’s lecture was part of the University of Michigan’s Distinguished University Professorship Lecture Series, which features Distinguished University Professors speaking about their professional and scholarly experiences.
In July, Loewenberg Ball was named the Jessie Jean Storey-Fry Distinguished University Professor in recognition of her exceptional scholarly achievements and significant teaching contributions. Established in 1947, Distinguished University Professorships are one of the most prestigious honors conferred by the University of Michigan upon a member of its faculty. The Regents established the professorships to recognize senior faculty with exceptional scholarly and/or creative achievements, national and international reputations for academic excellence, and superior records of teaching, mentoring, and service.
View slides from the talk here.