CSHPE student Jarell Skinner-Roy speaks on critical consciousness and ethical nonprofit storytelling in podcast interview
CSHPE master’s student Jarell Skinner-Roy was interviewed by the NAME IT! podcast to expand on his recent article on dismantling white supremacy in the nonprofit sector. He spoke with hosts Helen Choi and Mazarine Treyz about topics of critical consciousness, deficit-based narratives, ethical storytelling, appropriate use of statistics, and positions of power and influence.
Acknowledging white supremacy in one’s nonprofit work, and explicitly acknowledging its history, existence, and pervasiveness, he explained, is the baseline starting point for nonprofit work. This baseline helps to ensure that nonprofit personnel don’t “unintentionally uplift problematic ideologies.”
In his interview, Skinner-Roy encouraged fellow nonprofit workers to personally engage in educating themselves about oppression, privilege, and intersectionality, in order to gain knowledge on what it looks like and how it can be manifested.