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CSHPE alum Krystal L. Williams named 2021 Emerging Scholar by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

January 22, 2021

Dr. Krystal L. Williams, Assistant Professor of Higher Education Administration in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies at the University of Alabama, was selected as one of 15 Emerging Scholars by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education who represent the future of the academy. Williams earned her PhD in higher education from the University of Michigan. 


For the past 20 years, Diverse: Issues in Higher Education has recognized an interdisciplinary group of minority scholars who represent the very best of the U.S. academy.  According to Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, “these professors have distinguished themselves in their various academic disciplines and are actively working to make our society more equitable and just.”

Krystal Williams

Williams joined the faculty in the Higher Education Administration program in 2017. Prior to UA, she held various policy and research positions including senior research associate at the United Negro College Fund Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute and was an American Educational Research Association (AERA) Postdoctoral Fellow at the Educational Testing Services.

Williams’s research addresses higher education and public policy, STEM (science, technology, education, and mathematics), access and equity for underrepresented groups, strengths-based research, and student role strain and adaptation.  Her research has been published in prestigious academic journals including the American Educational Research Journal, Journal of STEM Education Research, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, and the Journal of Multicultural Education.   She is co-author of the “2018 Status Report on Engineering Education: A Snapshot of Diversity in Degrees Conferred in Engineering” published by the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities.