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CEDER contributes to curriculum for Detroit River Story Lab

October 30, 2020

Greta Guest of Michigan News introduced the Detroit River Story Lab, which launched this semester with grant-funded partnerships and several multidisciplinary courses devoted to the international waterway’s long and deep store of sustaining narratives, past and present.


As part of the larger Detroit River Story Lab project led by LSA faculty David Porter, CEDER’s design lead Darin Stockdill will support history scholars and educators connected to the Detroit River Project and the Essex County Black Historical Research Society in Windsor, Ontario to develop curricular materials for middle school teachers in both Michigan and Ontario, Canada. Teachers on both sides of the border will able to use the standards-aligned materials for middle school to engage their students with the transnational histories and narratives of the Underground Railroad and the key geographic role of the Detroit River. These lessons will tie this important legacy of Black resistance and anti-racist organizing to contemporary issues of racial justice and will introduce students to events and historical figures that have often been ignored in conventional curricula.

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Instructional and Program Design Coordinator, CEDER; Adjunct Lecturer in Educational Studies