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Book co-edited by Rosie Perez receives NASPA Faculty Council Outstanding Publication Award

March 29, 2021

A book co-edited by Dr. Rosie Perez, Case Studies for Student Development Theory: Advancing Social Justice and Inclusion in Higher Education, has received the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Faculty Council Outstanding Publication Award. Perez and co-editors Jason C. Garvey, Jessica C. Harris, Darris R. Means, and Christa J. Porter were recognized at the 2021 NASPA Virtual Conference.  


About Case Studies for Student Development Theory: Advancing Social Justice and Inclusion in Higher Education

This much-needed case study book provides higher education and student affairs graduate students, practitioners, and faculty with the tools to enhance their learning of student development theory and to apply this learning to practice. Each chapter offers a summary of theory – covering traditional and newer student development models – in addition to multiple case studies that help readers focus on practice that fosters social justice and inclusion.

The case studies for each chapter represent a range of institutional types and diverse student populations, offering an opportunity to explore the intersections of various developmental processes and to foster social justice and inclusion in higher education contexts. Guiding questions at the end of each case study offer opportunities for further discussion and critical reflection. An essential text for every student development course, Case Studies for Student Development Theory enhances student learning and development in higher education while also addressing how students’ social identities intersect with college campus environments.

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Associate Professor, Marsal Family School of Education