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April Baker-Bell receives the Charles Carpenter Fries Award from the Michigan Council of Teachers of English

October 06, 2023

The award is given to an outstanding English educator in recognition of their dedication to the profession and distinguished career towards the advancement of the teaching of English.


The Michigan Council of Teachers of English (MCTE) has announced Dr. April Baker-Bell, Associate Professor of Educational Studies, at the Marsal Family School of Education, as the distinguished recipient of the Charles Carpenter Fries Award.

A renowned transdisciplinary teacher-researcher-activist, Baker-Bell is an internationally recognized leader in the discourse on Black Language education. Her research delves into the intersections of Black Language and literacies, anti-Black racism, and antiracist pedagogies. Baker-Bell’s groundbreaking work, including the award-winning book Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy, amalgamates theory, research, and practice to dismantle Anti-Black Linguistic Racism—a term she coined—and challenge white linguistic supremacy. 

Baker-Bell has served as vice president and president-elect of MCTE from 2019-2021. She played a pivotal role in MCTE's discussions on antiracist pedagogy and the organization's commitment to utilizing literacy as a tool to dismantle systemic racism and address racial disparities in our communities and classrooms. Her leadership has left an enduring mark on MCTE's mission and vision.

Upon learning of her selection for the Fries Award, Baker-Bell reaffirmed her unwavering commitment, service, and leadership within the English Education community, both nationally and in Michigan.

The Charles Carpenter Fries Award, the longest-standing award conferred by MCTE since 1967, honors outstanding English educators who exemplify dedication to the profession and exhibit a distinguished career in advancing the teaching of English. 

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Associate Professor, Marsal Family School of Education