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AERA announces Elizabeth Moje appointed to new editor team for AERA Open

July 13, 2021

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) has announced that Elizabeth Birr Moje will be among the seven new editors of AERA Open for 2022–24. AERA Open is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. With an emphasis on rapid review and dissemination, AERA Open aims to advance knowledge related to education and learning through rigorous empirical and theoretical study, conducted in a wide range of academic disciplines. AERA Open publishes studies of education and learning in various contexts, such as early childhood, after-school, primary and secondary, and post-secondary education.


AERA Open was launched in 2014 as one of the first open access journals published by social and behavioral science associations. It was named the “Best New Journal in Social Sciences” by the Association of American Publishers in 2019. Since 2014, the journal has received over 3,000 submissions with over 400 published.

The other members of the editorial team are Kara S. Finnigan (University of Rochester), Terah Venzant Chambers (Michigan State University), Stella M. Flores (University of Texas at Austin), Michal Kurlaender (University of California, Davis), Michele S. Moses (University of Colorado Boulder), and Cecilia Rios-Aguilar (University of California, Los Angeles). Finnigan will serve as editor-in-chief and her colleagues as co-editors. 

“I am thrilled with the appointment of such an outstanding team of prominent scholars,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “Under their leadership, the journal will build on the success of the inaugural team as they advance AERA Open’s tradition of rapid peer review, open access, and broad dissemination of research to a worldwide audience.”

The team was appointed by 2020–21 AERA President Shaun Harper. This appointment culminated an extensive search driven by the AERA Journal Publications Committee, which is charged with making editorial recommendations to the president. As editors, Finnigan and her colleagues will begin receiving new manuscripts on October 1, 2021.

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Dean, George Herbert Mead Collegiate Professor of Education and Arthur F Thurnau Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Faculty Associate, Institute for Social Research; Faculty Affiliate in Latino/a Studies, College of LSA