Introduction to Data Intake and Cleaning Using STATA
Dec 11, 2019
10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Event Location
Marsal Family School of Education Building
After completing this workshop:
- The participant will have experience with importing excel, text, and .csv files into Stata. The participant will also know how to troubleshoot importing data into Stata.
- The participant will learn a process for systematically intaking and cleaning data such that the original data is preserved, and the data is ready for analysis in Stata.
- The participant will be able to clean numerical, categorical, and string data in Stata..li8
- The participant will have experience with handling missing and ambiguous values in original data sources.
- The participant will have experience with setting up a .do file structure that encourages heavily annotated code.
- The participant will have experience with a .do file tracking system that allows a researcher to follow their code from data intake, cleaning, and analysis.