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Fall 2016 Online Course: Systemic Functional Linguistics

Monday - Tuesday
Sep 12 - Dec 13, 2016
1:00–4:00 p.m.
Event Contact
Felice Gonzales
Event Contact's Email
Event Location


INSTRUCTOR: Mary Schleppegrell

This online seminar introduces participants to constructs and tools for analyzing language from the meaning-based perspective of systemic functional linguistics (SFL). The goal is to develop the ability to argue from a linguistic perspective about the meanings texts present in their content, enactment of interpersonal relationships, and organizational features. We will read Geoff Thompson’s Introducing Functional Grammar, (Arnold, 2004; 2nd edition) and articles that use SFL to explore meaning in educational contexts. Distance participants will use forum discussions to practice applying SFL in analyzing assigned “texts,” and can explore the affordances of SFL in analyzing texts from their own research projects through forum discussions with other participants. Tools/constructs addressed will include register, genre, mood/modality, appraisal, theme, ideation, cohesion, and clause combing.

This professional development opportunity is of special interest for education researchers who examine language data. Attendees will participate online in this non-credit, fee-based course. Registered participants will have access to video streamed from class meetings and readings, will be able to pose questions to be considered by the professor, and engage in asynchronous forum discussions.  The course will be taught on Mondays from 1:00-4:00 p.m. EDT/EST. The cost of registration is $750.

Please contact Felice Gonzales ([email protected]) at the Center for Educational Design, Evaluation, and Research (CEDER) for more information or with questions.