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Content Methods Laboratory Classes

Monday - Friday
Jun 05 - Jun 05, 2023
8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
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Marsal Family School of Education

Join teacher educators from around the country in person or virtually as we investigate the best ways to use the semester-long methods course. 

This year, TeachingWorks instructors will teach a methods course to teacher candidates while you observe and discuss the class and participate in an optional workshop. This laboratory class will be an excerpt of a full, semester-long methods course, and participants who observe the class will be provided with the syllabus for the full class. 

The laboratory class instructors will introduce problems of practice for consideration in each daily pre- and post-class discussion and will also invite participants to raise their own questions and ideas. This will allow for rich conversations about the design of practice-based courses, including what we have time to include in one semester. The methods laboratory class is designed to support the learning of all involved, particularly of the participating teacher candidates but also of participating teacher educators and the laboratory class instructors. The subject matter context for this year’s methods course is math, but the opportunities to consider what methods courses can do make this useful to instructors who teach methods courses in other subjects, such as science or English language arts.