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Explore Degrees

Coaching Institute (ELA Strand)

Friday - Saturday
Oct 20 - Oct 21, 2023
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
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Event Location

Marsal Family School of Education

The Coaching Institute provides a unique opportunity to work with teacher educators from around the United States to consider the meaning of excellence in K-12 teaching and identify ways to convey that vision to teacher candidates through coaching.

Participants will learn to design and implement rehearsal-based pedagogies, including specific techniques for coaching teacher candidates who are practicing teaching in simulated settings. There will be many opportunities for practice, with support and coaching from TeachingWorks facilitators.

We offer two subject matter strands at the Coaching Institute: (1) English language arts (ELA) and social studies, and (2) mathematics and science. All participants may choose one of these strands, regardless of what courses or subject matter they teach. We design the sessions to be accessible to all participants, even if they are not deeply familiar with the subject matter. Teacher educators who do not teach subject matter methods courses should simply choose the strand with which they feel most comfortable.

Learn more and register here: https://www.teachingworks.org/coaching-institute/