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Timothy A. Boerst

Clinical Professor, Marsal Family School of Education


(734) 615-9048


Room 3111
610 E. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259

Tim Boerst is a Professor of Clinical Practice at the University of Michigan School of Education. His work supports the development of beginning teachers who are pedagogically skilled, subject-matter serious, and professionally committed to the learning of every student. He studies and teaches practice-based mathematics methods courses, has led a number of NSF- and IES-funded projects focused on simulations of the work of teaching, the assessment of teaching practice, and the design of professional development materials. Over the years, Tim has played leadership roles: at the Marsal Family School of Education, including as Chair of the Elementary Teacher Education Program; at the State level, including as board member for the MI-AMTE; and at a national level, including as chair of the NCTM research committee and on the board of AMTE.

Prior to taking a full-time position at the University of Michigan, Tim taught in elementary classrooms for 15 years, earning and renewing National Board Certification as a Middle Childhood Generalist. During this time, he held multiple leadership positions in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and, for five years, was a Practitioner Scholar with the Center for Proficiency in Teaching Mathematics and the Carnegie Foundation, blending daily classroom teaching, research on practice, and work as a mathematics teacher educator. Tim earned a PhD in Teacher Education and an MA in Mathematics Education from the University of Michigan.

Selected Publications

"Orienting to Student Sensemaking: Developing Equitable Mathematics Instruction through Simulations."

Shaughnessy, M., Boerst, T., Garcia, N., Clairborne-Naranjo, B. (in press). In C. Lee, L. Bondurant, B. Sapkota, & H. Howell (Eds.). Promoting Equity in Approximations of Practice for Mathematics Teachers. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

"Preparing Teachers to Formatively Assess Students’ Thinking: Connecting the Initial Capabilities of Preservice Teachers with Visions of Teaching Practice."

Boerst, T., Shaughnessy, M., DeFino, R., Blunk, M., Owens Farmer, S., Pfaff, E., Pynes, D. (2020). In C. Martin (ed.). Handbook of Research on Formative Assessment in Pre-K through Elementary Classrooms (pp. 89-116). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

"Double the learning potential: Video of novice teachers can boost mentors’ development, too."

Boerst, T., Shaughnessy, M., Tenney-Muirhead, M. (2020). The Learning Professional. Vol. 41, No. 1, 50-54.

"AMTE standards for preparing teachers of mathematics."

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (2017). Available online at https://amte.net/standards.

"Complementary assessments of preservice teachers' skill with eliciting student thinking."

Shaughnessy, M., Boerst, T., & Farmer, S. (accepted for publication). Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.

"Preparing beginning teachers to elicit and interpret students’ mathematical thinking."

Sleep, L. & Boerst, T. (2012). Teaching and Teacher Education. Vol. 28, No. 7, 1038-1048.

"Preparing teachers to lead mathematics discussions."

Boerst, T., Sleep, L, Ball, D. L., & Bass, H. (2011). Teachers College Record. Vol. 113, No. 12, 2844-2877.

"Organizational assets in the service of school-wide ambitious teaching practice."

Lampert, M., Boerst, T., & Graziani, F. (2011). Teachers College Record. Vol. 113, No.7, 1361-1400.


The Assessing Teaching Practice (@Practice) Project develops and studies teaching simulations as a way to assess and support the learning of high-leverage teaching practices and mathematical knowledge for teaching.


Award Start Date
Feb 09, 2008
Award End Date
Jan 09, 2011